For more than 8 years, GlobalGiving and Mensajeros de la Paz Argentina have worked together to keep transforming the lives of hundreds of children and elderly people in Argentina. Thanks to this alliance strengthened over time, at least 10 projects have been conducted to make this world a better place for everyone, having a direct impact on the lives of more than 3000 people at social risk.
GlobalGiving is a nonprofit that supports other nonprofits by connecting them to donors and companies. With the vision that the world’s most pressing problems are best solved with local people in the lead, it helps and promotes funding for projects with social impact in 170 countries. To Mensajeros de la Paz Argentina, taking part in this global community means an opportunity to connect with other institutions, find support to keep helping the most vulnerable, and achieve the goal of protecting their rights thanks to crowdfunding.
This year, both organizations celebrate their 20th anniversary of community service. It is no coincidence: Together they work to achieve an inclusive world by being enhancers of social transformation. Everything becomes easier if we work organized as one. That is why it is essential to look for new ways to achieve better results in every project we carry out.
Every year GlobalGiving organizes campaigns that enable us to increase our impact as an organization and reach more people. On this occasion, the most recent initiative is called 100% Matching, which will be running all 2022. In this campaign, donors who set up a new monthly donation to a project will have their first contribution matched at 100% after the 4th month. This means that helping is worth double during 2022 because, thanks to your donations and GlobalGiving, we will be able to help more people.
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Keep spreading kindness to all participants of our projects! Together we do more!
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