Mensajeros de la Paz Argentina will receive, through GlobalGiving, a donation from the Airbnb Community Fund. This fund is dedicated to support organizations around the world, and with this collaboration, the Association will be able to guarantee the opening of new headquarters for the educational program, the digitalization of projects in general, and continue to provide 24-hour care in centers.
Mensajeros de la Paz has faced the new challenges the pandemic has created, without stopping its actions in order to continue ensuring compliance with the rights of children, teenagers, and the elders who are part of its projects.
That is why, from Airbnb, a digital platform dedicated to offering accommodation to individuals and tourists decided to provide, through GlobalGiving, a donation to support the organization’s initiatives.
For some time, Mensajeros de la Paz Argentina has had the contribution of many companies through GlobalGiving, a global platform for collective financing for charitable projects.
This new contribution means a big boost for the work carried out in Mensajeros de la Paz Argentina and opens the doors to new opportunities to keep on guaranteeing the rights of those who participate in the projects. Likewise, it will allow the efforts to continue multiplying in order to publicize the organization’s projects.